Saturday 27 February 2010

Blanqworld: 36 Stratagems

Blanqworld created something individual with 36 Stratagems. The images focus on the concept that “women are actually raised in captivity, forced – whether by nature or nurture – into games of deceit in pursuit of societal values. This fashion shoot distils the tactical concepts of the 36 Stratagems and applies it to a woman’s machinations towards getting what she wants, namely: beauty, figure, taste, and mystique.”

Deep, huh? Maybe so but entirely apt for the world of fashion, which is all smoke and mirrors with airbrushed perfection and the kind of expensive items that women would beg, borrow and steal for.  What's more, they're a lot more appealing to the eye than merely a pretty model standing in some nice clothes.  I wish photography like this featured more in fashion magazines.

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